The healthcare spending in Poland has been steadily on the rise over the last 3 years. In 2016, the budget of the National Health Fund (NFZ) grew by 3.8% with 4.8% increase expected in 2017.

The Polish government is determined to boost the 2018 NFZ budget by PLN5.5bn which would result in a total healthcare expenditure of PLN77.5bn (c. $21.6bn). The key focus areas for increase in spending are hospitals, long term healthcare and rehabilitation.

Importantly, the rise in healthcare expenditure in Poland outpaces the country’s GDP growth: – 2.8 percent in 2016 and forecast 3.1 percent in 2017.

Undeniably, the public health sector is on the priority list of the Polish authorities underpinned by a strong political will and expanding financial commitment.