Russia and Bulgaria signed cooperation agreement

Last week, on July 10, 2018, in Sofia Vladislav Shestakov – Director of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices, Deputy Head of the State GMP Inspectorate met with Professor Assena Stoimenova, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Drug Agency (Medicines Agency of the Bulgarian Health Ministry).

The State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices and the Bulgarian Medicines Agency signed a bilateral agreement that covers professional exchanges and timely notification on anticipated inspections and critical non-compliances. The inspectorates extended invitations to the major pharmaceutical events: the first in history joint conference of Bulgarian-Cuban regulators, GxP summit for university students and postgraduates, as well as the 3rd All-Russia GMP Conference. The delegates also discussed the observers’ participation in pharmaceutical inspections, an organization of educational inspections, and joint educational programs development, supplementary education, and advanced skills projects.

“We continue to strengthen international cooperation between regulatory authorities, and by signing the present Agreement with the Bulgarian Inspectorate we made a big step towards our goal. Intensive interaction between our nations in the pharmaceutical industry fills me with great expectation: our discussion was not limited to regulatory issues only, we also talked about the future of the industry – our students,“ – said Mr. Shestakov.